
NuGetToolsPackager generates a .nuspec file for a NuGet tools package from a Visual Studio 2017 console app project.


Use NuGet to install NuGetToolsPackager from its NuGet package.

For example, nuget install NuGetToolsPackager -excludeversion will download the latest version of NuGetToolsPackager.exe into NuGetToolsPackager/tools.


The NuGetToolsPackager command-line tool accepts the path to a .csproj file and a number of options. The .nuspec file is created in the same directory as the project file.

For example, NuGetToolsPackager MyProject.csproj generates a .nuspec file for that project in the current directory.


  • --configuration <name>: The project configuration to use. Must match the configuration part of the directory name of the built executable. Defaults to Release.
  • --platform <name>: The project platform to use. Must match the platform part of the directory name of the built executable, if any, e.g. net46.
  • --files <filespecs>: The files to be included in the NuGet package. Defaults to *.exe;*.dll;*.config.
  • --quiet: Suppresses normal console output.